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Bullet point list of possible points:-Aeneas' journey to the underworld to see his father Anchises is the final hurdle before his founding of Rome-The description of Anchises overseeing the 'sending...
The way time is expressed in Latin depends on whether you are trying to describe the time when an event occurred, or how long an event occurred for. You should always start by asking yoursel...
The key to translating Latin is reading through the text several times, without worrying about translating words immediately. If you are taking OCR exams, then, you're sure that the text will be by Livy, ...
Take a line of dactylic hexameter in Latin, e.g.Thybris ea fluvium, quam longa est, nocte tumentem (Virg. Aen. 8.86)Begin by marking any elision in the line (where a word ending in a vow...
There are two pronouns in this sentence, 'me' and 'mihi', which both translate to 'me' in English. me is accusative, while mihi is dativeAnswered by Jonathan W. • Latin tutor3459 Views
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