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You should be relaxed and read it first in a global way, paying attention to the structure of the text and those words you already know. Think outside of the box: pay special attention to the setting ( na...
Throughout this passage, a foreboding and menacing atmosphere is masterfully evoked by Virgil. From the very first sentence of this passage we are on tenterhooks, with the delaying of the verb 'raduntur' ...
A chiasmus is a literary technique where concepts or grammatical features are repeated but in reverse order. A simple way to remember it is A-B-B-A, just like the band! For example: (Aeneid VI.102)...
There are several crucial steps to becoming stronger at Latin Verse Unseen. Firstly, look at the structure of every sentence and find the verb first: the verb will tell you whether your subject is singula...
The first step is not to translate straight away. First, read any information given to you about the context of the passage. Next,take the passage a sentence at a time. Find the subject usually near the b...
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