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The English translation would read as: Marcus celeriter navigando ad urbem quinque diebus pervenit.Marcus : this noun (Marcus, -i, (m)) is the subject of the sentence, and therefore is in...
Firstly, it is very important to understand what is going on in the passage - this is the basis from which you can find your points. Once you understand how the Latin in the passage fits together, the fir...
An ablative absolute is a phrase made up of a NOUN and a PARTICIPLE in the ablative case. Therefore they both need ablative endings. Use this formula to translate an ablative absolute with a perfect parti...
A purpose clause is the part of the sentence which explains why the action in the main verb took place. They are most commonly used in Latin with the word 'ut' or the word 'ne' followed ...
One of the more common ways of expressing comparison in Latin is to use quam + a noun in the same case as the noun which it is being compared to. For example, in the sentence ‘lupus est forti...
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