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You should always start by translating it with 'with,' so for example, 'with the man having laughed,' 'with the man laughing,' or 'with the man being about to laugh.' If you're not sure of the tense, see ...
The grammatical case system in Latin can be an extremely confusing concept for English speakers because in English, meaning is usually determined through word order alone or, occasionally...
Conditionals are formed of 2 clauses: the ‘if’ clause (the ‘protasis’) and the ‘non-if’ clause (the ‘apodosis’). Normally, conditionals are introduced by si (‘if’) or nisi (‘if not’, ‘un...
Gerunds are verbal nouns which denote actions, whereas gerundives are verbal adjectives which indicate obligation. They both have the -nd- endings and so can be difficult to distinguish. Gerunds are alway...
In Latin, the accusative case is used for describing how long an action took.For example: 'poeta multos annos errabat' (The poet wandered for many years)The ablative case can des...
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