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The Ontological Argument (OA) is related to the nature and essence of an object and this argument attempts to prove that God must exist by his very nature. Many philosophers formulate theories to support ...
For this question, it is important to answer the question at hand. This means take the question at face value and try and answer it in the format it is given, instead of answering a compl...
We can answer this question by examining three key quotes about the Ontological Argument! 1) ‘In his heart, the fool knows there is no God' (Psalms 53) 2) '[God is] that than whic...
It is very difficult to define the word "good" or the concepts of "right" and "wrong", and so as a result, it is difficult to derive meaning from statements including these w...
Utilitarianism is a consequential theory which looks at bringing the greatest happiness to the greatest amount of people following the greatest happiness principle. It is a relativist theory which means i...
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