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Hedonism in an ethical context is the belief that (human) happiness consists of pleasure, and unhappiness of pain. Jeremy Bentham advocated a quantitative hedonism in order to assess the moral worth of an...
Moral absolutism is the belief that one rule must apply to all societies, individuals and circumstances regardless of the situation, and that certain actions are completely wrong in themselves regardless ...
The problem of evil states that an omniscient, omnipotent, benevolent God cannot exist due to the fact that there is evil in the world. If God exists in the way that we imagine, then he has the power and ...
The Teleological argument states that the world was designed by a superior being (i.e God). There are various forms of the argument, one of which was created by St Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. Aqui...
Opinions on ethical issues such as abortion will very from church to church and Christian to Christian, however the bible contains a number of teachings that may be interpreted as relating to the issue of...
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