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To begin with we need to break down the Categorical Imperative. Firstly, into what a Categorical Imperative is, an absolute and unconditional requirement based on reason. Then, into the three main section...
There's no set structure as to answer the 12 mark question, but there is an easy way to get you in the hang of it. Firstly you would introduce the question and give some background of the question. Then t...
Aristotle saw eudaemonia/human flourishing as the supreme goal of human life. In order to achieve eudaemonia, one must be virtuous in all aspects of their life, making Aristotle's virtue ethics a wholisti...
Have an argument with yourself is probably the best advice i could give. Choose an initial point of view that answers the question at hand and include this view within your introduction along with any exp...
Introduction: Utilitarianism is a teleological and consequentialist ethical theory that defines right and wrong by the "principle of utility", that it its usefulness to cause more pleasure than ...
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