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First, it is necessary to underline the basic ideas surrounding Marxism, namely the division of society into two classes. There are: 1) Capitalists - Those who own the means of production 2) Working Class...
Firstly, Neo-Marxists highlight how religion can act as a force for change, rather than acting as ‘opium’, as outlined by traditional Marxists. Indeed, Maduro argues that religion has some independence fr...
Positivism and interpretivism are, broadly speaking, the two approaches to doing research in the social sciences. They both have their benefits, and they both have their downsides; lots of researchers cho...
We can explore this through 3 key lenses: functionalist, Marxist, and post-modernist, all of which are equally important and provide particularly compelling explanations for ethnicity, and how it impacts ...
Positivism and Interpretivism are both different sociological methodologies, mostly discussed with reference to research methods. When studying society, Positivists like to collect quantitative, objective...
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