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With Sociology, applying the main theories to the question is always something that moves you up the grading ladder. What I mean by the main theories is Marxism, Functionalism, Feminism, Neo-Marxism and P...
Crime and deviance can be explained through a variety of different theoretical explanations. In order to maximise the marks you could gain if a question like this comes up, you will need to be aware of th...
Functionalism is a sociological perspective of why society functions in the way it does. It is a structuralist theory which means it focuses on the main structures of society, such as law and education. I...
With any A Level subject, it is obvious that in order to achieve a good grade, you must have the ability to recite the main principles of the topic. In sociology, you must be able to demonstrate your know...
The view of the role of education put forward by Marxism is that, education serves to further and strengthen the capitalist agenda to create a workforce. This means that children are taught values of s...
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