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Advantages of using a postal questionnaire include the fact that it is not as time consuming as an interview. Questionnaires can be designed to be quick and easy for the respondant to complete. It can ...
Functionalists view the family and its contribution to society as positive, whereas Marxits see it as a negative institution.
Functionalists see the nuclear family as essential for socia...
Howard Becker is a labelling theorist who believed that an act in not inherentely criminal until it is labelled and until there is a societal reaction to this act. This is important in sociology when s...
This question requires students to present theories/ perspectives that argue that religion prevents social change or maintains how things currently are in society. Students should first address the view i...
Emile Durkheim did a study about suicide rates - he compared the suicide rates between Catholics and Protestants, and found that there was less suicides amongst Catholics, and also that less women comm...
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