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Lack of representation in the media
Different leisure activities
Presumption of heterosexuality
Functionalism is a consensus perspective, therefore theorists such as Durkheim view society to be based on harmony and all of the societal institutions complementing one and other to contribute to social ...
Try writing mock essays - after five or six, you will know which figures you are most likely to use! You will end up with ten to twelve numbers that you need to memorise. Do not forget sources and year...
There is a standard answer framework that you should stick to to boost your marks. For an illustration, let's consider a question that came up in 2013 in crime and deviance module - outline and assess ...
One of the best ways to set out this question is to split it into 5 separate points per paragraph. There would be two paragraphs needed for this question as the question asks for two ways.Answered by Maddy M. • Sociology tutor20119 Views
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