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In the end, as with most topics concerning history the answer depends on the topic at hand. This might be aggravating to hear, but attempting to throw in key-words such as functionalism or intentionalism ...
Paper 1 is a source-based 'skills' examination. In the space of 1 hour you have to answer 5 questions taking into consideration four sources. At least one of these sources will be visual. Perhaps the bigg...
Thesis: The Chinese Civil War following the dissolution of Japanese occupation in China witnessed the CCP snowball into power to establish the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This was...
IA Question: identify two appropriate sources for Part A, preferably one contemporary and one modern-day. Breakdown each to origins, purpose, and limitations and evaluate against values and limitations re...
IntroductionPerón’s downfall can be attributed to two key factors: the loss of support from his working class – descamisados – power-base throughout his second term [1951-1955] and the rise of opposition ...
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