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It is indeed fair to say that Lenin consolidated Bolshevik rule by combining popular policy with repression, and this can be explored by looking at how Lenin tackled his April Theses promise of “peace, la...
IB history examiners are looking for correct historical knowledge in an essay but, above all, they want you to show you can present and justify a good argument. There is often no 'right answer' in history...
Many reasons have been given for Nationalist victory in the Spanish Civil War, although Republican loss was by no means predictable. Some historians have focused on domestic factors, others international ...
Alexander II was the ruler of Russia in years 1855-1881. These were times of raging tensions as Russia lost its international position after the Crimean War in 1855. Alexander II was called the 'Tsar Lib...
No, absolutely not, especially not in IB. IB History is almost a debate class - they present you with a historical event and you need to make an argument for or against something. The way you write and th...
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