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The most stressful parts of the IB exams (especially HL) are Papers 2 and (if HL) 3. Seeing as how you will only have about 30-40 minutes to write each essay, your 5 minutes of preparation time at the beg...
You should ideally time your responses according to the amount of marks a question is worth. The final question is worth the most marks (9) so you should save at least 20 minutes to plan and write an answ...
Student dissidents played an important part within the resistance circles as well as making the most direct contribution to the Velvet Revolution. It was the students that acted (however unintentionally) ...
During a HL History Paper 3 exam, you have to write 3 essays in 2hrs and 30 minutes, plus 5 minutes reading time at the start. That's 5 minutes to choose ALL your questions and then 50 minutes per essay q...
Evaluate is a common command term for IB History exams. It is vital that you are familiar with these terms as meeting the demands of the question is a key part of the rubric and will greatly affect your m...
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