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You should structure this as a fairly balanced answer. You want to involve more than one argument (preferably more than two), but argue both equally. This will show the examiners you understand the topic ...
Historiography is one of the most useful parts of an essay which you can use as it furthers, or limits, the argument which you have presented. It is used when you have presented all of your evidence for y...
For After 1890, Wilhelm pursued Weltpolitik in which he sought to increase German influence in Africa and the World -> direct competition with Britain and France which then overturns t...
The very first thing to do is to read the question twice. Highlight the key words. IB History essay questions can be very short and very broad, or the question can be immensely detailed; either way, it's ...
Many factors caused the outbreak of the First World War in the summer 1914, such that historians cannot agree on a single prime cause. Despite this, the key factors can be identified as the long-term crea...
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