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It is almost the same use of the subjunctive as the jussive but is used in the first person rather than the third. It is an independent use of the subjunctive (i.e. when the subjunctive is not used in a s...
There are multiple correct answers to this question. The translation of 'ambulare' from Latin is 'to walk'. Appropriate answers might therefore be 'amble' (to walk slowly), or 'ambulatory' (something rela...
The predicate/main verb of the sentence is 'erro' (erro, errare, erravi, erratus), which is the 1st person singular present active indicative of 'to err' or 'wander'. 'velut' is a conjunction which introd...
Echo and Narcissus is not a love story. Ovid may be known for his elegiacs on love and courtship, but it is in the Echo and Narcissus episode that his true penchant for sex, wit and amoral punishment come...
Perhaps the first father-son relationship that comes to mind when considering the Aeneid is that of Ascanius and Aeneas, in spite of the fact that for much of this Book, the two are separated, with Ascani...
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