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Translation: The wife of Caesar begged her husband with many prayers not to go into the senate on this day. That man however, since he feared that he would appear cowardly, decided to neglect the advice o...
The perfect and imperfect tenses in latin are both used to describe actions which take place in the past, but they are used to describe slightly different types of actions. The perfect is used to d...
Prose composition is in many ways more daunting than unseen translation, since you'll be translating from a more comfortable language into a less comfortable one rather than vice versa. You may t...
cotidie dominus servos percussit quod crudelis erat. Tandem duo trepidi servi effugerunt.a. Servos is the masculine accusative plural of servus, whilst servi is the masculine nominative plural. Serv...
Nominative case: this is used for the subject of the sentence, the person or object which is doing the action. Accusative case: this is used for the object of the sentence, the person or object which the ...
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